Naive confidence

When I set out to create My 100 Dresses, I wasn’t sure what the journey would look like. All I knew was that as a child, I had longed to see the dresses created by the fictional character, Wanda, in The One Hundred Dresses, and that I would never make it to 100 if I listened to all the doubts and questions that rang through my head demanding answers. So I started painting, with blind courage and naivety. And slowly, words came and I found myself telling stories about the women in my life through poetry, almost as if I were writing a book. What had started out as a crazy childhood dream had formed into a love letter of storytelling for and about women.

When thinking of naming this first chapter, I remembered a poem I wrote in 2018…

Cheers to the naive confidence that carries us bravely into the unknown! Enjoy paintings and poems 1-16 below.