C H A P T E R 3

The Flower Harvest

A collection of 5 Alla Prima paintings and poems.

All original paintings in this collection have been collected.

“Between every season of longing, there is also a season of living.”

— Andrea Jacobsen

Inspiration behind the work…

Inspired by my own painful seasons of waiting combined with the darling experience that is Autumn in Tennessee, The Flower Harvest explores the golden-hour moments that remind us life is only ever lived in the present.

With the desire to capture presence in the very artwork itself, Chapter 3 was created as an Alla Prima collection of 5 paintings and poems.

Alla Prima, meaning “at first attempt,” is a style of painting wet on wet, where the artist must begin and finish the piece all in one sitting and typically under a specific time limit. Since oil paint can take days or even weeks to dry, the process requires a high level of mastery or the piece can quickly be muddied and ruined. In this, the artist becomes fully engaged, always recognizing the fleeting reality of time while, second by second, leaving her mark carefully and boldly on the canvas. When done well, the Alla Prima process creates a piece that is wildly organic with bleeding colors and bold strokes. Each painting, in essence, becomes a time capsule of a life lived fully in the present.

All the flowers in these dresses were painted live from real flowers harvested this Autumn and arranged by the brilliant Fair Flower Farms. Romance is always in the details…

The Collection

You will be guided through 5 virtual rooms each featuring a poem and painting.

— prelude —

Life is both longing and living. It is recognizing something is missing while living in the moment we are given. So often, though, we depart from our today in order to imagine life in our tomorrow. But every once in a while, in those places of first kisses and golden sunsets, of sibling harmonies and painful goodbyes, the sun glimmers just right and our heart’s recognize a startling truth; life is only ever lived in the present, and we would do anything for just one more moment of it.

“The Flower Harvest”

In the midst of the quiet

and the ever so gray mundane,

the colors began to change.

First yellow,

then red,

then violet and midnight plum.

And I heard the flowers whisper,

“The harvest is soon,

my darling,

so let us dance,

for tomorrow can never promise what today has already given.”

At a Glance


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A letter from the

The Artist

Thank you for taking the time to experience The Flower Harvest! This collection comes from many years of living within my longing. I was introduced to brokenness early in life, and in God’s mercy, he gave me the gift of hope through a metaphor. The image was of a deck of cards, each of us holding a unique hand we are dealt. Many of us never envisioned the cards we are given and would give anything to reshuffle. But the question is not can we reshuffle, the question is will we play every card we’re dealt in this one precious life we’re given?

And in God’s kindness, asking this question is in large part why I am an artist today.

Darling, there is still life to live within your longings. Make sure you are present enough to experience the goodness of truly living.

All my love,


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Artistic Credit

All writing, poems, paintings, and website design were curated by Andrea Jacobsen

The stunning images and photography were captured by Zach St. Ward. Follow his work on Instagram HERE.

Flower arrangements were brilliantly designed by Hannah at Faire Flower Ranch. Follow her work on Instagram HERE.

Experience the Studio

Follow along on Instagram to see these masterpieces come to life!